vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Random: Did you hear about the Morgans? Review.

Hey Everyone!

I told you that there will be some random posts also and this is one of them. I wanted to do a movie review because I enjoyed this movie so much, it's one of my favorite...

I thought the plot of the movie was great. There was comedy, romance and action. All in one. I am not trying to tell you anything about the movie because if you haven't seen it, you need to.
Well, Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant are a couple that has been separated for 3 months. He is trying to get back with her, but she thinks it's not a very good idea. Suddenly, a criminal is in town and he wants to kill them. The police sends them to a complete different place in the middle of now where with different identities.
From there, all the action begins: you will laugh, cry and be scared.

Movie Score: 5/5


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