vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

Storage Tips: Easy and Nice Way To Store Your Accessories

Hey Everyone!

Today I decided I am going to talk about a really cute and easy way to store your jewelry!

One thing is this really nice and cute box that I got as a gift, so I cannot actually tell you where you can go and find one similar, but I am sure you can find it anywhere. It has a very good size so you will fit a lot of accessories in there. What I also like about this box is the pattern and also the little rose that you will see in the pictures.

The second thing that I think it's really cute is this mannequin. It has the shape of the women and instead of her head they attached hangers. She has a very nice dress with the colors brown and blue. It also has hangers to the side so you can put any accessories such as necklaces, rings and earrings over there.

I hope you enjoyed,


Makeup: Lacoste Lipstick for Spring

Hey Everyone!

First of all, before I tell you anything about this product I just want to tell you that the shade of this lipstick is not the only shade you are going to find in spring. The color looks very dark on the actual lipstick, but the swatch of the lipstick is exactly how it is going to appear on your lips.
The lipstick is very small in size which makes it better for you to carry it in your purse or in your makeup bag. It takes less space.
The packaging is pink with a few marks of silver and the brand name Lacoste, in the front.
As I told you at the beginning of this blogpost, the lipstick looks extremely dark and very ugly, in my opinion. I would wear this in winter but in spring, definitely not.
On my hand, you can see the swatch. As I told you, when you apply the lipstick, the color fades off and it is very light and perfect for spring, in my opinion. It looks nothing compared to the actual lipstick, but don't get tricked by that and go ahead and swatch the lipstick on your hand to see the color better.

The number of the lipstick is 229 and the lipstick is called Flamboyant.


Makeup: The Perfect Blush for Spring

Hey Everyone!

I know that when it comes to makeup, the blush that we are using is very important also. Today I am going to give you an idea for a perfect blush that you can use in spring or in summer. It has 4 different colors that are perfect for spring.
The blush is from the brand named Cargo. You can find this brand at a Sephora store or online.

The blush is called "Coral Beach" and it is in number 1.

I hope you find this blog interesting and also learn something from it,

joi, 8 aprilie 2010

LUSH: How To Get Nice And Volumimous Hair Using LUSH Products

Hey Everyone!

Today I am going to tell you how you can get nice and voluminous hair with some LUSH products. You can get these products here.

To get very nice and voluminous hair you need to use volumizing products. LUSH has a solid shampoo called BIG that is supposed to leave your hair with a lot of volume after you use it. 

It takes a few days to get used to it because inside there are small particles of salt.

To me, it smells like fresh and clean laundry. :) It smells like lavender and lime. Maybe not the best smell in the world, but I can deal with it.

To go with it, you need a conditioner. The conditioner that I am using and gives my hair a lot of volume, also smelling incredibly nice is called AMERICAN CREAM Conditioner.

It smells like vanilla, honey, strawberries and a little scent of oranges. It is my favorite conditioner scent that I own.

So there you have it! With just two products, you can have a nice, soft and voluminous hair!

All of the photos were taken by me. The products are mine.

LUSH Storage Tip: Easy Way To Store LUSH Soaps

Hey Everyone!

I know that a lot of LUSH junkie's out there think about an answer for this question:
What is an easy way to store my LUSH soaps?

Well, today I have the answer for you. 

Step #1
Cut all of your soaps in small pieces:

(from left to right) * The Godmother, Sexy Peel, Rockstar, Honey I Washed The Kids and Porridge*

Step #2

Take a small cup or a glass:

Step #3

Take all of your little chunks of soap and put them in your cups:

  * The Godmother Soap*

* Sexy Peel Soap*

* Rockstar Soap*

* Honey I Washed The Kids Soap*

* Porridge Soap*

And that's it!
All you need to do now is to place them wherever you want in your bathroom!

All of the products shown in this post are mine. I took the pictures of everything.


Makeup: MAC's Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick

Hey Everyone!

Today I am going to talk to you about the Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick that MAC has to offer. It is, though, limited edition so if you want your hands on this amazing lipstick be sure to get it soon!
The lipstick is called GAGA because of the well known celebrity Lady GaGa. I think it is a very nice idea and I am sure that the fans of Lady GaGa will go and buy this lipstick for sure. 

The packaging of the lipstick is a little bit different than your normal MAC lipstick. It has the brand name written in red and also, when you open your lipstick you will see another shade of red, which you don't find in another lipsticks by MAC. Besides the brand name on the lipstick, you can see Lady GaGa's signature which I though was a very nice idea. The color of the lipstick is a very bright shade of pink. A dupe for this lipstick would be: Angel or Hue lipticks by MAC.

I really hope you enjoyed this review!

miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010

Lush Review: Helping Hands Hand Cream

Hey Everyone!

Today I am going to tell you a review about the Helping Hands Hand Cream by LUSH. Here are a few photos before I start writing.

First of all, the smell and the color. This hand cream smells like lavender and coconut. It has a very pink color. When you apply it, it is very moisturizing and very soothing to your skin. The smell is a little bit funny, but it does not bother me at all. If you have dry hands pretty much all the time and you want something that will make them soft and smooth, I recommend you taking this. You can buy it here. Just pick your country and they will ship it to you right away.

LUSH describes this as:

Nurses are known to have helping hands, and since they often end up with dry skin from washing them all day, we made this to help get those mitts back into shape. Nourishing shea butter is easily absorbed and contains vitamin A to help maintain moisturized and healthy skin. Chamomile water, lavender and honey soothe and let off a calming fragrance that inspires memories of youth when hands were soft and taken for granted. Apply this cream before bed and you'll see the days of soft skin again.